May 28, 2021
(Updated: November 04, 2021)
Helps developers build applications/websites faster and automate tedious processes. Making life a little bit easier (which we all like)
Firm Favourite
My go to editor of choice. No need for anymore suggestions, it's just that good. I'll also add some of my current config below.
No Bundler/Lightening Fast
Leveraging ESM modules Vite is incredibly fast to startup, super flexible (doesn't tie you into a framework) and is an all round pleasure to work with. Run npm init vite@latest
to get started.
What if every everyone released the new version of their modules at the same time, and everyone updated the moment after. Simply put it, never gonna happen.
A must have
Seemlessly manage your node and npm versions. This has been a life saver on more than one occasion and it makes it all super simple. I have some snippets available which will help you in setting up and not having to scour the docs for relevant commands.
Markdown Loveliness
The holy grail of markdown cheat sheets. It's the only one you'll every need (unless you're venturing down the MDX path)
Automate Tasks
A simple, easy to learn task runner, producing efficient builds, automate task. It will pretty much do whatever you want, has a huge ecosystem and is my go-to for Wordpress development.
A whole new way to collaborate, apart. A place to co-create, co-work, or just hang out. It's still relatively early in its development but I think it has a whole load of potential.
Write, plan, collaborate, and get organised. A really great tool for note taking and prepping/recording meeting notes. Parts of this site uses Notion as a CMS and now it's free for personal accounts!
Share Code Images
Create and share beautiful images of your source code. Images can easily be shared to twitter or you can download the images files and share that way.
A collection of thinking tools and frameworks to help you solve problems, make decisions and understand systems. I've not read a lot of it yet but it seems pretty cool.
Do you know a resource that could benefit another reader and is relevent for this page? Let me know by leaving a short message below and I will take a look!
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