Adding CodeMirror 6 to a React Project
Render your first CodeMirror 6 editor in React and take it from a basic setup to something more complex and custom.
September 05, 2021
Writing content leaning towards but not limited to development and design. A space to learn, rethink ideas and discover something new.
Render your first CodeMirror 6 editor in React and take it from a basic setup to something more complex and custom.
September 05, 2021
Take full control of your site stats by switching from Google Analytics to Umami and create a safer space for your users.
August 07, 2021
Want feedback or suggestions on the content you write? Let's create a form so you can create a dialogue with your readers.
May 25, 2021
Create your first Storybook story using Vite and React. Jump start your UI component library.
May 15, 2021
Take advantage of the Spotify API and build a plugin to add your top tracks easily to your site.
March 27, 2021
Improve your SEO by showing when your posts got last updated. Perfect for Gatsby and Next js sites which use Markdown or MDX for their content.
February 17, 2021
Discover the power of Hast and how we can use it to manipulate markdown content. Let's turn some .md table links into the real deal.
January 21, 2021
Let's talk about Gutenberg blocks and how we can create a block of our own to create a wonderful UI experience.
May 05, 2020
Using Glyphhanger and pyftsubset let's reduce our page weight by subsettting our font files and only serving the glyphs our pages need.
December 09, 2019
Not gonna lie masonry can be a bit of a bitch. Let's create our own layout using CSS variables and some javascript.
July 29, 2019
Avoid issues using Emoji's in our markup by replacing them with the HTML entity equivalent. Let's write a script to help us do this.
July 20, 2019
Forget about the redux hype and add react context to your project instead. Much obliged to Kent C Dodds.
June 08, 2019