June 02, 2021

(Updated: November 04, 2021)


React is a view library created by Facebook, that frontend devs utilize. Due to it's rapid ability to render only particular parts of the page when it's required - known as dynamically generating elements.

In the past, whenever some part of the page has changed, even if it was a single letter, the whole page has to be reload. Whereas react can load in that tiny change, for that single letter, without having to reload the entire page

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A well respected member of the javascript community Dans shares the latest React news, his thoughts and explanations of react concepts.

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Weekly Roundup

A weekly roundup of the latest React and React Native links and tutorials, always a good read. Tip: I sometimes find there's a lot to take in so I spread it out over 2 or 3 sittings.


The React docs serve as a solid starting point and a reference for all levels. I always find myself coming back and re-remembering the react hook syntax.

The legend that is Kent C Dodds shows us how to setup React context in a project. I always use this for my own context setup and it keeps everything nice and simple.

@cassidoo has written a deep dive on how we can use a custom hook to create a smart responsive experience in our React applications. I've been looking for a neat solution like this for a while without resorting to a package like React Media so this ticks all the boxes.


Dmitri Pavlutin gives a good overview of Jotai and how it can be used. Jotai best practices are still a little unknown but for me Dmitri has made some sensible decisions.

Do you know a resource that could benefit another reader and is relevent for this page? Let me know by leaving a short message below and I will take a look!

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