August 16, 2021
(Updated: September 24, 2021)
*/* useful width options */*width: min-content | max-content | fit-content;*/* inherit colours for parent child consistency */*color: inherit;*/* isolated stacking context (add to the wrapper) */*isolation: isolate;*/* keep items inline */*white-space: nowrap;*/* only add styles for mouse/trackpad users */*@media (hover: hover) and (pointer: fine) {button:hover {text-decoration: underline;}}
0-550px — Mobile
550-1100px — Tablet
1100-1500px — Laptop
1500+px — Desktop
The idea behind this being, as the user increases their default font size the @media scale slides to accommodate those changes. Whereas, with pixels being "static" our layouts would become cramped and unable to adjust, if the user increased their default font size.
*// constants.js*const BREAKPOINTS = {tabletMin: 550,laptopMin: 1100,desktopMin: 1500,}const QUERIES = {'tabletAndUp': `(min-width: ${BREAKPOINTS.tabletMin / 16}rem)`'laptopAndUp': `(min-width: ${BREAKPOINTS.laptopMin / 16}rem)`'desktopAndUp': `(min-width: ${BREAKPOINTS.desktopMin / 16}rem)`}
Forget writing align-items
and justify-content
save yourself some keystrokes and use place-content
<style>.wrapper {display: grid;place-content: center;}</style>
Table of Contents
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